Solareagle offers several specially priced pre-packaged options for home power generation. We will walk you through the entire
process including connection diagrams and schematics. We also offer full installation services anywhere in the Cariboo Region.
Solareagle carries a full range of off the grid options including lighting, micro- hydro, water
filters and purifiers,
Sun-Mar composting toilets, Sundanzer and Sunfrost refrigeration appliances and much more!
Don't forget to check out Special Deals for exceptional buys on demo and resale merchandise and the Homebrewed
Projects section.
In our Basics of Off-The-Grid-Solar series you will find useful information about designing and managing your system .

If you use
diesel or gas you need
Pri for clean running and complete restoration of old stored fuel.
"Pri-D and Pri-G are far and away the best fuel treatments available, bar none!"
F.B. Ontario
"Based on actual fuel consumption records we can say with complete precision that with PRI-D treatment, we are receiving a fuel efficiency improvement of about 5.4 percent."
John Reddy ~ Fleet Service Coordinator, Nova Scotia Ferry System

If you have special
requirements or want a custom quote on PV solar, HW solar, Micro-hydro, High Efficiency Refrigerators, Freezers, or any other specialized alternative energy equipment
please contact us by email or call toll free: 1-877-925-2929.
We guarantee excellent prices and
friendly service.

